Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy 2018

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, and Thank you so much for all the well wishes. Sorry for our lack of responses, but kids have been out of school and driving JUGM batty at  

So here we are again at another New Year and hoping you all have a wonderful, prosperous, and safe 2018.

Wait until tonight at time square. They will release 34 Billion pieces of Hillary Clinton's email traffic , which tonight will be called CONFETTI...... HA HA HA!!!!  



  1. Many Blessings to you and yours in 2018.

  2. The last couple of weeks here in North Georgia have been brutal. That arctic air mass has just been sitting over us. In the teens or single digits at night (twice below zero) and not breaking freezing during the day. I saw where that big storm that came right up the coast went over you folks, we missed that one Thank God.

    Hope all is well there. Supposed to start warming up here today with some freezing rain and temps in the forties by tonight.
