Wednesday, November 8, 2017

camping out and a buck

One of the greatest advantages of living in the woods is having free space to do whatever you want. It has been our goal for a while to clear out an area and make it our personal camping grounds. Senior and the boys worked hard on this particular spot. However finding the right time proved a big challenge. Fall baseball consumed our weekends as well as trips down to check on mom, finally this past weekend our calendar was clear and the weather was nice so the guys pitched their Hennessy Hammocks, packed a small cooler, and headed out into the woods.

I, JUGM did not camp this time, but did hike out for a visit and dinner with them around the campfire. Then a little rain hit, but that did not dampen their spirits, Senior and his boys had a great time bonding and simply relaxing.

The week before Halloween, I was checking the trail camera and looked what popped up! A nice little 8 point. So have appropriately named him "8-ball". While out camping Saturday night Senior and NW caught site of him about 30 yards away, and I tell ya he is a big boy. We were amazed that he ventured so close to the camping spot, especially since they were not Scent blocked. The next morning they checked some of the trees and saw where he has been rubbing his antlers.

Rabbit to left, Buck to the center right (date correct, time wrong)

Last weekend we also took down what was left of the summer garden. Our freezer is now packed with green beans, and okra. The cabinets are packed with homemade tomato sauce and pickled okra. All that is left is the row of collard greens and food plots. It saddens me in a way, but I am also happy for the break.

As I said above we have been back and forth to see mom.. All I can ask for  is prayer please? The situation with her house, and her deteriorating health is bad. We pray every day for Gods mercy....



  1. Prayers for mom as well as you and your family.

    What a fun idea to make your own campground!!

    We have been enjoying watching the deer cam photos every evening. There is one huge buck out there in addition to 3 other bucks. There were 6 assorted does, this years fawns, and couple little bucks in the field tonight. The big guy walked out, shook his antlers and everyone ran away, He walked over, munched on the corn, carrots, and apple peelings til he'd had enough, then walked off. The other deer drifted back out to clean up the scraps.

    DH says the big buck better enjoy it cause in 7 days his days are numbered. Lol. Gun season starts in a week. I told him if that buck was smart enough to live long enough to get that big, he is probably smart enough to hide during gun season. Looks like an 8-19 point.

    1. 8-10 point!! stupid fingers...

    2. hey Suz.. Thanks for the prayers, mom is not doing good and her health is deteriorating quick rapidly. the outlook from hospice is not a good one. But I also don't like seeing her this way and pray for God mercy. Then there is a whole new issue with selling her house and my brother...SMH!

      You are so lucky with all the deer activity. We have the mama and her two fawns around, and now 8-ball. They are just so much fun to watch. And like your hubby mine says 8-balls days are numbered.. lol

      Take care TTYL

  2. Glad the boys got to do the 'guy' thing, and that's a nice buck! Thoughts and prayers for your mother.

    1. and lucky for me because I got a quiet night at home.. lol

      Thanks for the prayers...things are not looking up for her.

  3. I'm with you, Glock Mom. I don't do camping anymore. Like Richard Pryor used to say " I don't go nowhere without my luggage."

    It's good Senior Chief and the boys can get out and spend some time together at their camping spot.

    I like that buck, maybe he will hang out around your place and the hunters won't get him.

    1. lol..I can do camping just when its warmer..

      I like the buck too, he seems elusive but smart, sticking to the property adjacent to ours that is private, and wooded with no hunters on it.

  4. After living in Fla. Thank god for the rural life.

    Thank you for your service to our nation, Senior Chief.

    1. we have been up here for so long now, that I cant imagine living in a subdivision again.

      Thank you Rob for your service as well...

  5. Sweet JUGM, & Senior,

    First, let me say Bulldog Man and I have you, your Mom, and family in our prayers. I love those hammocks the guys were using while camping. Those are very convenient, and keep you away from the sun and bugs!!!! Camping on your property is just as exciting as camping in a park or out in the forest. That buck coming up to your campsite to check things out.....obviously had no fear. Be careful, it's rutt(sp?) season and the males can be pretty aggressive.

    I know your a bit sad about the gardening season being over but think of it like this. You get a nice break to plan your next garden :-)

    Sending hugs and love your way.
